"Use The NB Method To Get A Woman More Attracted To You
In A Way That Could be Considered:
"The Most Obvious Way To Get A Woman To
Massively Start Liking You More..."
Welcome to the New Year of 2021...
(My guess is that this will surprisingly be a great year for many people.)
Oh yeah....my name is CR James (I create reports for men based on spotting patterns that work for me and others. That's pretty much it. I take lots of notes on books on many related subjects. I create diary files based on what works for me...which is a great way for discovering stuff most people aren't talking about. I take notes when people share something unique that works for them. And then I create reports. My goal is to share 'stuff that actually works'. That way, you're not wasting your time reading 'yet another course' by someone who just copied off someone else.)
As you may know, I don't believe that you have to be an 'talkative extrovert' to get women to be wildly crazy over you.
You don't need to be a jerk.
You don't need to be a sociopath.
You can be a respectful guy + still be super effective...
...if you're willing to 'get the right information' in your brain + make decisions based on that 'new information'.
Again, it's the OBVIOUS WAY of being massively attractive...
With that said, I'm going to get straight to the point.
A guy (we'll call him Alex) asked me for advice.
Not to brag, but I gave him a "new method" and it worked better than expected.
Scratch that.
She became addictively obsessed with him! (but in a healthy way)
You see, the good news is he's equally obsessed with her.
Update: As of January 31, 2021, they are still together.
Basically, he was in a grocery store (at some point in 2019) where he spotted a beautiful woman wearing yoga pants.
He thought she was attractive, so he started a conversation.
>> They had a good conversation and exchanged numbers.
>> They would end up spending some time together.
>> After awhile, it seemed like the sparks were wearing off.
>> ((Have you ever been there before?))
>> He asked for my advice and I shared a "new method" that I'm now calling, "The No Brainer Method".
>> At the time, I didn't have a 'fancy name' for the method. I just wanted to help him so I told him to focus on four things that I considered to be HIGHLY IMPACTFUL to women. But I only decided to write about it because I never talked about this concept before.
>> Anyway.....He applied the advice and things worked out.
Here are the 3 steps to getting a woman attracted to you.
Step 1: Realize that some women will like you. And some won't.
Step 2: Realize the "words" that you say to her creates a psychological impact, an emotional impact or both.
And the level of attraction is simply the OUTPUT/RESULT of your level of impact/effectiveness.
Step 3: Figure out ways to create impact.
The level of attraction = The level of impact
Your success is based on the effectiveness of your strategies...whether you're a good person or bad person.
A bank thief who effectively prepares for a marathon stands a good chance of winning regardless of what people think about him.
A nice guy who effectively prepares for a marathon stands a good chance of winning regardless of what people think about nice guys.
At any rate...
Why Would a Woman Meet a Guy and FEEL Like
He’s 100x Better Than Any Guy She’s Ever Met in Her Life!
It's simple.
Look at the chart below and pick where you would get your apple juice.
The answer is in blue.
You will always pick Alexis Amazing Apple Stand because it has the "No Brainer Effect".
When something is MUCH BETTER in all categories that matter, it triggers a spark in the human brain and the person has the feeling of "Duh!! This is a no brainer decision!"
This report is pretty simple.
It's based on the advice I gave Alex. I basically told him, "if Miss Yoga is already into you, then
"focus on scoring a ten in these four areas" and you stand a good chance at being the most amazing guy she will ever experience!"
That way, you can:
Have The Alexis Apple Stand Effect on Her!
Inside of this new 2021 report:
- You will discover the 4 secrets.
- In other words, the 4 categories that apply to having a UNIQUELY POWERFUL effect on women.
- Don't try to guess at what they are.
- You could even try out the method on a female friend that you like (she won't know what you're doing).
- Remember, I want to be known as 'one of the good guys' who cares about helping guys with 'stuff that works'. So 'read the report' ==> discover something new ==> get results.
- If you have questions, for 30 days after your purchase, you can send me an email (crjames100@gmail.com). You won't be bugging me. The more people I help, the more I evolve as a 'teacher'.
So, there you go.
Order Now For $197 $197
The No Brainer Method
The 4 Unexpected Things That Make You Incredibly Super Addictive To Women.
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Order Now Before It's SOLD OUT
Here's feedback from other CR James reports
Take care & enjoy your day!
Warmest Regards,
CR James
P.S. In life, you're going to run into 3 types of advice (from friends, parents, books, etc.)
- Bad Advice. The information is not useful.
- Ok Advice. The information is somewhat useful.
- Great Advice. The information is life changing!
Have The Alexis Apple Stand Effect on Her!
Inside of this new 2021 report:
- You will discover the 4 secrets.
- In other words, the 4 categories that apply to having a UNIQUELY POWERFUL effect on women.
- Don't try to guess at what they are.
- You could even try out the method on a female friend that you like (she won't know what you're doing).
- Remember, I want to be known as 'one of the good guys' who cares about helping guys with 'stuff that works'. So 'read the report' ==> discover something new ==> get results.
- If you have questions, for 30 days after your purchase, you can send me an email (crjames100@gmail.com). You won't be bugging me. The more people I help, the more I evolve as a 'teacher'.
You're Gonna Wish You Learned
This Method 10 Years Ago!